뉴드림 - 돈 공부를 쉽고 재미있게, 금융경제퀴즈앱테크

by 뉴드림



These days, money study is essential for survival,Department of Financial Education for Children and AdolescentsEconomic education for adults is also becoming more important.But wasnt it easy to take the time to study finance and economics?Now, invest 10 minutes every day with New Dream to build up your knowledge of finance and economy.You can learn more than 600 financial knowledge of various topics.After a short learning by topic, you can get points by answering the financial quiz.Acquired points can be exchanged for gifticons!You can build knowledge with economic quizzes and collect points, so you can even do app tech.In addition to economic quizzes,You can accumulate points through various functions and events.From studying to app tech, 1 seat and 2 trillionNew Dream is a platform that provides learning, habits, and experiences for your money.We plan to open this function in the future to create a service!• Pocket money budget missionThe beginning of studying money is to use the money I have deliberately.Set a budget for your pocket money and spend it according to your budget.You get points when your budget and consumption record match.• Pocket money record missionWrite a record of your daily expenses and an evaluation of reasonable consumption.Statistics are aggregated for the records spent, and consumption records can be compared with all users. If you perform the mission for the record, you will get points.• Reach your savings goalYou can set a savings goal and share it with your friends. Cheer each other on to achieve your goals and apply for monthly events.If there is something to be improved while using New DreamPlease let New Dream know at any time.